Soothing Touch
Materials Needed:
To Support Feeling:

How to Do It
Place one hand over your heart and the other on your abdomen. Apply gentle pressure and take deep, slow breaths. Focus on the warmth and comfort of your hands.
Why It Works
This exercise provides a sense of safety and comfort, helping to soothe the nervous system and ease the mental chatter associated with worry.
Guided Practice
Find a comfortable place where you can sit quietly. Take a few deep breaths, letting your awareness settle into your heart center. Feel into the rhythm of your breath.
Feel the texture of your skin, the warmth radiating from your palms perhaps notice if there's a slight tingling sensation or a sense of relaxation beginning to flow through your fingers. Maybe your hands feel heavy or light, or something else entirely. Gently place your hands on your heart or another part of your body that feels right to you, allowing this touch to offer comfort and grounding. As you maintain this soothing touch, see if you can bring your attention to the subtle movements of your breath. Notice how your body responds to each inhale and exhale. You might sense a gentle rise and fall under your hands, a connection between your breath and your touch. If it feels right, deepen your breath slightly, allowing each exhale to release tension and each inhale to bring a sense of calm. This is your space to explore what feels nurturing and supportive for you. Imagine your touch radiating warmth and care throughout your body. Maybe an image arises, like the gentle glow of a candle or the embrace of a soft blanket. Let yourself explore these sensations and images, noticing how they shift and change with each breath. There's no need to force anything—simply notice what comes up, and allow yourself to be present with whatever is there, moment by moment. As we begin to close this practice, gently bring your awareness back to the room around you. Feel the surface beneath you, the air touching your skin, and the sensation of your hands on your body. When you’re ready, slowly release your hands and take a few deep breaths. Perhaps you feel a lingering warmth or a sense of peace, or maybe there's a different sensation altogether. Know that you can return to this soothing touch whenever you need a moment of comfort and grounding.