Legs Up the Wall Pose
Materials Needed:
To Support Feeling:

How to Do It
Lie on your back and place your legs up against a wall, forming a 90-degree angle with your body. Close your eyes and breathe deeply, allowing the blood to flow down from your legs, which can help reduce fatigue and lower your heart rate.
Why It Works
This restorative pose helps to alleviate physical exhaustion by improving circulation and allowing the body to relax deeply. It’s a great way to reset and recharge when you’re feeling completely drained.
Guided Practice
Find a place where you can lie comfortably with your legs extended up against a wall or on a chair.
Go ahead and lie down with your legs extended up against a wall, your back resting comfortably on the ground taking a few deep breaths, allowing your body to settle into this inverted position. Feel the stretch along the back of your legs and the gentle pressure of the wall supporting your legs. Notice the sensations in your body — perhaps a sense of relief, a feeling of relaxation, or even a touch of tension in your hamstrings. Feel the support beneath you and imagine your body becoming heavy and relaxed. With each breath, notice if there are areas of your body that feel more settled or more awake. As you hold the pose, focus on your breath. Notice how each inhale expands your chest, and how each exhale allows your body to relax further into the pose. Feel the gentle pull of gravity, encouraging a deeper release in your legs and lower back. Stay with these sensations, allowing them to guide your experience. Notice any emotions that arise — perhaps a sense of calm, a feeling of being supported, or even a bit of discomfort in the unfamiliar position. Allow these emotions to be present, letting them deepen your connection to the practice. Visualize the blood flowing down from your legs, refreshing and rejuvenating your lower body. See if any images, symbols, or memories arise — perhaps an image of a waterfall, a belief about rejuvenation, or a memory of being inverted as a child. Allow these images to deepen your sense of relaxation and renewal, letting them guide your experience in this pose. Notice how this visualization affects you — perhaps bringing a sense of lightness, a feeling of clarity, or even a recognition of surrender. When you feel ready, gently bend your knees and roll to one side before sitting up, taking a few deep breaths as you do. Notice how your body feels now — perhaps more relaxed, more refreshed, or simply more attuned to your body’s needs. Gently open your eyes, carrying this sense of relaxation and renewal with you into your day, feeling more balanced and calm.